XIII Edition - 2019


Theme XIII Edition: (R)ESISTENZE

Salina - Isole Eolie - 11-14 September 2019

Salina Island of (R)EXISTENCES by Giovanna Taviani

One photo, one image.

The black courtyard of a prison, under the white sky above. A guy in center of the frame, a small figure in the big concrete atrium. Sitting on the ground, shoulders against the wall, legs crossed. Alone.
We are in the juvenile prison of Sulaimaniya, the city of Iraqi Kurdistan, as we read in the caption. The date, 1998, brings us back to the years of the civil war in Kurdistan, after the tragic decade of Saddam Hussein.
Inside the prison, in a whole that accentuates his solitude, but also his strength, the young prisoner waits for the last clouds to go away. Read more…


Awards and special mentions

Tasca d’Oro

Miglior documentario Concorso ufficiale
La scomparsa di mia madre di Beniamino Barrese
Italia, 2019, 94’

Premio Signum premio del pubblico Freedom Fields di Naziha Arebi
Libia,Uk, Paesi Bassi, Usa, Qatar, Libano, Canada, 2018, 97′
Menzione Speciale WIF La scomparsa di mia madre di Beniamino Barrese
Premio Ravesi dal testo allo schermo Abraham B. Yehoshua
Premio AVE Energia della poesia – Poesia dell’energia Marco Bellocchio
Premio Irritec Siciliadoc a Letizia Battaglia
Premio Siae Sguardi di Cinema La paranza dei bambini di Claudio Giovannesi
Premio Lady Wilmar Finestra sul Mediterraneo Selfie di Agostino Ferrente


Photos by Davide Scimone

Occhio al Doc

Photos by Paola Landolina

Directors interviews

Jury interviews

Special awards

Films in competition

The 7 films in competition. “La scomparsa di mia madre” by Beniamino Barrese

Icon of the '60s, Benedetta Barzini was a muse of artists like Andy Warhol, Richard Avedon. Feminist, mother, professor of Fashion Anthropology, in eternal...

The 7 films in competition. “The lone girl” di Marco Amenta

Roberta carries out an archaic and masculine job, inherited from her father, she is a“cowboy”, that is dealing with dozens of Maremma cows living...

The 7 films in competition. “Il filo dell’alleanza” di Francesco Miccichè

Il Filo dell’Alleanza is the story of the realization of a work by Daniela Papadia, an artist who has embroidered six communities of women...

The 7 films in competition. “Gods of Molenbeek” di Reetta Huhtanen

The Molenbeek district of Brussels. A believed jihadi capital to some but familiar home to the 6 year-old boys Aatos and Amine. Together they...



Program 2019

Catalog SDF 2019

Press review 2019